underneath the stars


Saturday 17 April 2010

Yozzz... It's weekend again, yester nite went to holland v had our supper, slack n tok, actually at first we went over to railway mall but every stall are closing at 1am so we went over to holland v to slack.. Thx to the driver of the day ANDY drive us over to there.. HAHA.. While on e way going back home, it started to rain. Actullay at first e rain are nt tat big BUT we tot of waiting awhile for e rain to become smaller who know it become heavily n heavily.. >.< lol.. So ended up we continue our toking session, haha.. Tok abt our Taiwan trip, same member 6 of us but PZ nt around with us yester but hopefully she can find a stable job then can join us to Taiwan this yr.. ^^ We plan go on the Nov this yr, hopefully can success.. lol.. so now we need to start have some saving in order to buy alot of stuff in Taiwan.. HAHA.. After tat, rain getting smaller we went back home. Reached home abt 3 to 4am.. IT'S SAT.. Miss ZJL jio steamboat today, WA, damn rare.. lol.. Still thinking going anot.. Haiz.. Alrtie, slpy mood now.. Go my lala land le.. Enjoy weekend everyone.. ^^


Thursday 15 April 2010


话总说不清楚 该怎么明了
一字一句像 圈套
旧帐总翻不完 谁无理取闹
你的双手甩开 刚好的微妙

我们背对背拥抱 滥用沉默在咆哮
爱情来不及变老 葬送在烽火的玩笑
我们背对背拥抱 真话兜着圈子来乱绕
即使想让我知道 即使想让你知道 爱的警告

话总说不清楚 该怎么明了
一字一句像 圈套
旧帐总翻不完 谁无理取闹
你的双手甩开 刚好的微妙

我们背对背拥抱 滥用沉默在咆哮
爱情来不及变老 葬送在烽火的玩笑
我们背对背拥抱 真话兜着圈子来乱绕
即使想让我知道 即使想让你知道 爱的警告

我不要一直到 形同陌路变成自找
既然可以拥抱 就不要轻易放掉

我们背对背拥抱 滥用沉默在咆哮
爱情来不及变老 葬送在烽火的玩笑
我们背对背拥抱 真话兜着圈子来乱绕
只是想让我知道 只是想让你知道 这警告
只是想让我知道 只是想让你知道 爱的警告

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Alrite alrite alrite i knew i had damn long never updated my blog.. It's rotting & rotting.. Spider wide all around.. lol.. hopefully there are still some ppl reading my post.. ^^ Anyway, pasted one month nothing special. Up down feeling, happy sad feeling still gt for this one month definitely. Hmmm.. Nothing much happened. Last sat went to AMK hub watched a movie called "REC_2" intro by MR TAN POH HENG not every nice show after all.. Haha, short of thriller movie bah. Went to tat far watched a movie cos we plan after tat go halo bar. It had relocated at Seng Kang there. BUT when we reached there, e staff said still not yet opened must wait to this week.. We was like =.=''.. But luckily at least we had watched a movie at AMK hub.. LOL.. So we ended up at Clementi party world.. LOL.. Anyway weekend coming soon.. Enjoy everyone.. ^^
